About Us

Welcome to Blakeley Solicitors. I am Simon Blakeley, senior partner of the firm. I hope you will take a few moments to look around this site and that you find it both useful and informative.
I have tried to set out some brief details of the types of work we undertake.
Whilst our primary focus of work covers road traffic accidents, accidents at work, slips and trips and all type of personal injury claims we are not solely a personal injury practice.
We have experience of all types of litigation involving commercial disputes about property and outstanding debts, as well as advising about employment matters and landlord and tenant disputes.
We are increasingly dealing with disputes involving Wills and Probate matters and have experience of both contentious and non contentious Probate work as well as the preparation of Wills.
My office is in Bradford, West Yorkshire. I like to provide a face to face, personal service. For this reason most of my clients are based in and around the West Yorkshire area but we do act for clients throughout the country.
My direct line number is 01274 831141. During office hours your call will be answered by me. If I am engaged you may get my voice mail but I will call you back as soon as I am free. You can also contact me on my mobile phone number, 07779338526. If you prefer please email me at sblakeley@blakeleysolicitors.co.uk
Address: Blakeley Solicitors, 506 Thornton Road, Thornton, Bradford, BD13 3JD.
Phone: 01274 831141 or Mobile: 07779338526
E-mail: sblakeley@blakeleysolicitors.co.uk
Twitter: @BlakeleyLegal
Partners: Simon Blakeley BA Hons Law Stephen M Fleming
Blakeley Solicitors, the applicable law is that of England & Wales. The firm is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority under Authorisation Number 524475. Details of the regulations for solicitors are to be found at http://www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/code of conduct